Strategic Management Training | Consulting & Training

Help From Experts

Fast-Track Your Strategic Management Success

Whether you're just getting started defining your strategy and KPIs, or you're ready to implement Spider Impact software, we have experts and resources to help.

Get Expert Help
Ornament pattern
Man taking a live demonstration of Spider Impact's KPI dashboard and all of its capabilities on a laptop.

One-on-One Q&A

Schedule short web sessions to get your questions answered.

User Training

Empower your users to get the most out of Spider Impact with our Spider Impact Training sessions

Quickstart Bundle

Launch your use of Spider Impact with a package of basic user training and several hours of solution building.

Dashboard Design Workshops

Receive assistance with customizing your reports, dashboards, and briefings to work best for your organization.

Best Practice Reviews

Maximize ROI with automation, simplification, increased user adoption, and improved user experience.

User Security Optimization

Get help defining permissions so that the right people have the right data at the right time.

Data Automation Help

Get assistance with connecting to your data sources for KPI automation.

Executive Briefing Prep

Impress your leadership with beautiful presentations that automatically bring your latest data to life.

Strategy & KPI Definition

Gain clarity by defining your goals with a structured approach to setting key performance indicators.

Strategic Planning

Chart the path forward for your organization with guided planning and strategy-setting sessions.

Executive Workshops

Equip your leadership team with the tools to monitor, manage, and maximize strategic performance.


Earn Balanced Scorecard Professional or KPI Professional certifications from the Strategy Management Group.